Published on 26.11.2024
Le Dr. Victor Dubois-Ferrière a présenté un système de visée innovant
Published on 21.11.2024
Le 21 novembre, nous avons eu le plaisir d'organiser le cours intitulé « Le pied et la cheville : examiner et traiter » à destination des médecins généralistes.
Published on 09.11.2024
On Saturday, November 9th, the Centre Assal had the pleasure of organizing the symposium “The Dancer’s Foot and Ankle & Beyond.”
Published on 09.11.2024
We are proud to announce that Dr. Lisca Drittenbass, from our center, participated as a Faculty Member in the prestigious IBRA Mastercourse: Challenges in Foot and Ankle Surgery in Basel.
Published on 17.10.2024
Our group presented three podium presentations and three posters about our work. Filippo Pierobon introduced a new electromagnetic device to measure first ray instability. The device developed in collaboration with Hepia allows to measure in an objective way the displacement of the first ray relative to the lesser rays.
Antoine Acker presented his research from Duke University on middle facet subluxation and our Argentinian fellow Julieta Brué shared her study on Autologous Osteochondral Transplantation for osteochondral lesions of the talus.
It was a great pleasure catching up with friends from Europe and around the world.
Published on 12.10.2024
Chaque année, ce cours affiche complet, et nous sommes fiers de contribuer à la formation des professionnels avec notre savoir-faire. Un immense merci à nos experts pour leur dévouement et à tous les participants pour leur engagement et leur motivation.
Published on 27.09.2024
Congratulations to Dr. Filippo Pierobon, fellow at the Centre Assal
Published on 20.09.2024
Centre Assal has contributed to the organization of the 49th edition of the SFAS
Published on 12.09.2024
Le Centre Assal se voit remettre l'ISFM Award !
Published on 19.08.2024
a:2:{s:2:"fr";s:651:"Le Centre Assal a contribué à la mission de préservation du Parc National des Écrins, près de Savines-le-Lac en France (Hautes-Alpes). Nous avons participé à une activité de nettoyage de sentiers encombrés de pierres en raison du ravinement. ⛏