The Centre ASSAL for Foot Care and Surgery places science at the heart of its current practice and development. Our team includes several renowned researchers and teachers in the fields of orthopaedic surgery and traumatology, and we are continuously enhancing our practitioners’ clinical experience with scientific research data. Each treatment is founded on evidence-based medicine.
Discover more about our approach
Attend upcoming training. Click on the links to sign up for training sessions led by our three leading doctors and their colleagues. View our calendar of upcoming events at the Centre ASSAL for Foot Care and Surgery.
Access to nearly 180 original scientific papers and book chapters written by our three leading doctors and their colleagues that have been published in international medical journals.
The Centre ASSAL
for Foot Care and Surgery
Avenue de Beau-Séjour 6
1206 Geneva - SWITZERLAND
Phone + 41 22 702 24 40
Fax + 41 22 702 24 49