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15.05.2024 | Support

Great news from India !

Great news from India !

Remember this little girl who had only been able to crawl due to her fixed knee deformity and severe clubfeet? Back in January Dr Lisca Drittenbass and PD Dr Mathieu Assal met her again, two years after correcting her left clubfoot and knee flexum, standing upright after so many years of crawling; the surgery had been a success.

Unfortunately despite this beautiful outcome she was still not admissed to school, as her handicap was still visible. I was so frustrated!

Amputation of the nonfunctional right foot to easily fit a prosthetic leg, as we would probably have done in Europe, was not an option for the family. The brilliant crew of technicians of Endolite India Limited came up with a genius solution that made all the difference: they provided her with a special prosthesis allowing her to keep her nonfunctional foot, a solution the family could accept and with which the girl copes very well.

Witness her very first steps on the picture below!

Thank you ISHWAR (International Society for Human Welfare & Rehabilitation), Fondation Forte and all involved kind humans as well as our understanding families for supporting us and having made all this possible.

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